Last updateFri, 09 May 2014 2pm

Paul Salopek’s Out-of-Eden Walk: A foster child of Zapopan retraces humanity’s greatest voyage

Several years ago National Geographic Magazine published what struck me as an absolutely astounding story.

It stated that every single human being on the face of the earth today is a descendant of a rather small number (perhaps only a few hundred) people who emigrated out of Africa around 60,000 years ago, embarking on a trek that would quite literally take them to the very ends of the earth. This conclusion was based on advances in genetics and DNA samples taken worldwide.

A friend had shown me the magazine in the middle of an expedition to a deep canyon carved by the Río Verde and I still have the photo I took of that magazine lying open on the front seat of his Jeep, displaying a map with arrows showing early Man’s first travels abroad.

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