Last updateFri, 02 Jan 2015 5pm
eSun Energy

Jalisco government unveils anti-pollution strategy

Jalisco Environmental Agency (Semadet) will invest 10.5 million pesos ($US 720,000) in its monitoring system. 

The agency also reiterated that there have been major changes to the way they evaluate conditions this year. 

The threshold for launching a pre-contingency plan has been lowered to 120 IMECA (metropolitan index of air quality) points, from 150. This pre-contingency plan involves warning the public and reducing industrial burning.

Air quality in December has been poor. On December 7, Las Pintas station in the south of Guadalajara registered 154 IMECA (metropolitan index of air quality) points, above the threshold for the air quality to be considered “very bad.” 

In these conditions, Semadet recommends that people remain inside, close windows and pay attention to the health of children, the elderly and people with heart or respiratory conditions. 

To review the current air quality in Guadalajara consult: http://siga.jalisco.gob.mx/aire.