
Last updateFri, 23 Aug 2013 1pm

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Lakeside’s trash separation system off to rocky start

How’s that trash separation thing working for you? If you’re struggling to figure out how to categorize your refuse, bundle it up and put it out on the curb for pick up, don’t fret. You can count yourself among the vast majority of lakeside’s populace.


Ajijic Passion Play group gears up for show time

Preparations for Ajijic’s Easter Week Passion Play program have picked up pace in recent days, with show time now just a week away.


Carlos Slim to fatten Red Cross kitty

Cruz Roja Chapala administrator Ramon Ledesma announced that Chapala area donors will be able to get more bang for their bucks by taking advantage of a new nationwide matching fund program operated under the auspices of the Fundacion Carlos Slim, a philanthropic foundation established by the eponymous Telmex magnate and world’s richest man.


Corpses discovered near Libramiento

The bodies of two unidentified men were discovered last week in the vicinity of the  Ajijic-Chapala bypass road near its junction with the highway to Guadalajara.


Pets lined up for population control

Dionisia Morales, a Santa Cruz de la Soledad housewife, gently stroked Tata’s head as they patiently awaited their turn on the final day of the free pet sterilization program held March 2, 3 and 4 at the town’s Casa Ejidal. A few months ago the elderly grandmother agreed to adopt the chocolate-colored boxer mix from a friend, taking on the added responsibility of helping care for her litter of five young pups. She’s happy that with Tata’s spaying, she will never have to repeat the experience.


Virgin of Sorrows remembered as prelude to Holy Week

In keeping with long-held Easter season customs, faithful Roman Catholics across Mexico will dedicate Friday, March 30 to the La Virgen de Dolores (Virgin of Sorrows). Many devout families will set up memorial altars filled with design elements reflecting the sufferings and sacrifices of the mother of Christ. Others will take evening strolls through their neighborhoods to view the shrines, symbolically sharing the Virgin’s pain as they sip liquid refreshments representing her tears.


Jocotepec unfurls gigantic flag

Jocotepec townsfolk gathered for a belated Dia de la Bandera celebration on March 5 to mark the formal unfurling of a giant Mexican flag at the roadside lookout point (mirador) located adjacent to the highway bypass.


Water service relocates San Antonio branch office

Chapala’s water services agency (Simapa) is in the process of relocating its San Antonio Tlayacapan branch office from a rented house in the heart of the village to a permanent facility located on the Chapala-Jocotepec highway just west of the Chula Vista Oxxo store.


Hollywood comes to Lakeside

It’s time to haul out your best bib and tucker, or sequined gown and get ready for “Hollywood on the Lake,” set for Thursday, March 15, starting at 5:30 p.m. at Hotel Real de Chapala.


Democrats Abroad launch online auction

As the news is dominated by the Republican Party’s efforts to choose a presidential candidate for the national election in November, Democrats have faded somewhat into the background.


Bright local minds shine at Lakeside science fair

Mission accomplished. The first annual Lakeside Science fair provided a public platform for promising local students to demonstrate their knowledge, practical skills and creative thinking in different fields of scientific study.


Traffic office changes command

With his winning smile and sincere desire to master spoken English, lakeside’s newly appointed traffic office commandant Hector Magaña Rios has all the makings of strong ally for expatriate motorists.


British ambassador visits Lakeside

British Ambassador Judith Macgregor took a detour from the Guadalajara's Film Festival to visit the Lake Chapala British Society.


Chapala police take action related to narcobloqueos

Jalisco Public Security promptly alerted municipal police in the lakeside region to be on the lookout for movements of criminal gangs involved in the narcobloqueos.


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